







protein <- read.table("D:/zmPDSwR-master/Protein/protein.txt", sep = "\t", header = T)

        Country      RedMeat         WhiteMeat           Eggs            Milk            Fish       
Albania       : 1   Min.   : 4.400   Min.   : 1.400   Min.   :0.500   Min.   : 4.90   Min.   : 0.200  
Austria       : 1   1st Qu.: 7.800   1st Qu.: 4.900   1st Qu.:2.700   1st Qu.:11.10   1st Qu.: 2.100  
Belgium       : 1   Median : 9.500   Median : 7.800   Median :2.900   Median :17.60   Median : 3.400  
Bulgaria      : 1   Mean   : 9.828   Mean   : 7.896   Mean   :2.936   Mean   :17.11   Mean   : 4.284  
Czechoslovakia: 1   3rd Qu.:10.600   3rd Qu.:10.800   3rd Qu.:3.700   3rd Qu.:23.30   3rd Qu.: 5.800  
Denmark       : 1   Max.   :18.000   Max.   :14.000   Max.   :4.700   Max.   :33.70   Max.   :14.200  
(Other)       :19                                                                                     
    Cereals          Starch           Nuts           Fr.Veg     
Min.   :18.60   Min.   :0.600   Min.   :0.700   Min.   :1.400  
1st Qu.:24.30   1st Qu.:3.100   1st Qu.:1.500   1st Qu.:2.900  
Median :28.00   Median :4.700   Median :2.400   Median :3.800  
Mean   :32.25   Mean   :4.276   Mean   :3.072   Mean   :4.136  
3rd Qu.:40.10   3rd Qu.:5.700   3rd Qu.:4.700   3rd Qu.:4.900  
Max.   :56.70   Max.   :6.500   Max.   :7.800   Max.   :7.900



vars.to.use <- colnames(protein)[-1]
pmatrix <- scale(protein[, vars.to.use])
pcenter <- attr(pmatrix, "scaled:center")
pscale <- attr(pmatrix, "scaled:scale")  



d <- dist(pmatrix, method = "euclidean")
pfit <- hclust(d, method = "ward.D")
plot(pfit, labels = protein$Country)
rect.hclust(pfit, k = 5)



groups <- cutree(pfit, k = 5)
print_clusters <- function(labels, k) {
    for (i in 1:k) {
        print(paste("cluster", i))
        print(protein[labels == i, c("Country", "RedMeat", "Fish", "Fr.Veg")])

> print_clusters(groups, 5)
[1] "cluster 1"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
1     Albania    10.1  0.2    1.7
4    Bulgaria     7.8  1.2    4.2
18    Romania     6.2  1.0    2.8
25 Yugoslavia     4.4  0.6    3.2
[1] "cluster 2"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
2      Austria     8.9  2.1    4.3
3      Belgium    13.5  4.5    4.0
9       France    18.0  5.7    6.5
12     Ireland    13.9  2.2    2.9
14 Netherlands     9.5  2.5    3.7
21 Switzerland    13.1  2.3    4.9
22          UK    17.4  4.3    3.3
24   W Germany    11.4  3.4    3.8
[1] "cluster 3"
        Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
5  Czechoslovakia     9.7  2.0    4.0
7       E Germany     8.4  5.4    3.6
11        Hungary     5.3  0.3    4.2
16         Poland     6.9  3.0    6.6
23           USSR     9.3  3.0    2.9
[1] "cluster 4"
Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
6  Denmark    10.6  9.9    2.4
8  Finland     9.5  5.8    1.4
15  Norway     9.4  9.7    2.7
20  Sweden     9.9  7.5    2.0
[1] "cluster 5"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
10   Greece    10.2  5.9    6.5
13    Italy     9.0  3.4    6.7
17 Portugal     6.2 14.2    7.9
19    Spain     7.1  7.0    7.2


princ <- prcomp(pmatrix)
nComp <- 2
project <- predict(princ, newdata = pmatrix)[, 1:nComp]
project.plus <- cbind(as.data.frame(project),
                    cluster = as.factor(groups),
                    country = protein$Country)
ggplot(project.plus, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
    geom_point(aes(shape = cluster)) +
    geom_text(aes(label = country), hjust = 0, vjust = 1)



kbest.p <- 5 # 设置期望的簇的数量
> cboot.hclust <- clusterboot(pmatrix, clustermethod = hclustCBI, method = "ward.D", k = 5)
boot 1 
boot 2 
boot 3 
boot 100 
> summary(cboot.hclust$result)
            Length Class  Mode     
result         7     hclust list     
noise          1     -none- logical  
nc             1     -none- numeric  
clusterlist    5     -none- list     
partition     25     -none- numeric  
clustermethod  1     -none- character
nccl           1     -none- numeric  

> groups <- cboot.hclust$result$partition
> print_clusters(groups, kbest.p)
[1] "cluster 1"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
1     Albania    10.1  0.2    1.7
4    Bulgaria     7.8  1.2    4.2
18    Romania     6.2  1.0    2.8
25 Yugoslavia     4.4  0.6    3.2
[1] "cluster 2"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
2      Austria     8.9  2.1    4.3
3      Belgium    13.5  4.5    4.0
9       France    18.0  5.7    6.5
12     Ireland    13.9  2.2    2.9
14 Netherlands     9.5  2.5    3.7
21 Switzerland    13.1  2.3    4.9
22          UK    17.4  4.3    3.3
24   W Germany    11.4  3.4    3.8
[1] "cluster 3"
        Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
5  Czechoslovakia     9.7  2.0    4.0
7       E Germany     8.4  5.4    3.6
11        Hungary     5.3  0.3    4.2
16         Poland     6.9  3.0    6.6
23           USSR     9.3  3.0    2.9
[1] "cluster 4"
Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
6  Denmark    10.6  9.9    2.4
8  Finland     9.5  5.8    1.4
15  Norway     9.4  9.7    2.7
20  Sweden     9.9  7.5    2.0
[1] "cluster 5"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
10   Greece    10.2  5.9    6.5
13    Italy     9.0  3.4    6.7
17 Portugal     6.2 14.2    7.9
19    Spain     7.1  7.0    7.2
> cboot.hclust$bootmean     # 簇的稳定性向量
[1] 0.8405000 0.7686746 0.6144325 0.8562976 0.8080000
> cboot.hclust$bootbrd      # 每一个簇被消除的次数
[1] 17 14 46 18 21


# 计算2个向量之间的平方距离
sqr_edist <- function(x, y) {
    sum((x - y)^2)

# 计算单个簇的WSS,表示为一个矩阵(每个点一行)
wss.cluster <- function(clustermat) {
    c0 <- apply(clustermat, 2, FUN = mean)
    sum(apply(clustermat, 1, FUN = function(row) {sqr_edist(row, c0)}))

# 根据数据点集合和簇标签,计算总的WSS
wss.total <- function(dmatrix, labels) {
    wsstot <- 0
    k <- length(unique(labels))
    for(i in 1:k)
        wsstot <- wsstot + wss.cluster(subset(dmatrix, labels == i))


totss <- function(dmatrix) {
    grandmean <- apply(dmatrix, 2, FUN = mean)
    sum(apply(dmatrix, 1, FUN = function(row){sqr_edist(row, grandmean)}))

ch_criterion <- function(dmatrix, kmax, method = "kmeans") {
    if(!(method %in% c("kmeans", "hclust"))) {
        stop("method must be one of c('kmeans', 'hclust')")
    npts <- dim(dmatrix)[1]
    totss <- totss(dmatrix)
    wss <- numeric(kmax)
    crit <- numeric(kmax)
    wss[1] <- (npts - 1) * sum(apply(dmatrix, 2, var))
    for (k in 2:kmax) {
        if(method == "kmeans") {
            clustering <- kmeans(dmatrix, k, nstart = 10, iter.max = 100)
            wss[k] <- clustering$tot.withinss
        } else {
            d <- dist(dmatrix, method = "euclidean")
            pfit <- hclust(d, method = "ward.D")
            labels <- cutree(pfit, k = k)
            wss[k] <- wss.total(dmatrix, labels)

    bss <- totss - wss
    crit.num <- bss / (0 : (kmax - 1))
    crit.denom <- wss / (npts - 1:kmax)
    list(crit = crit.num / crit.denom, wss = wss, totss = totss)


clustcrit <- ch_criterion(pmatrix, 10, method = "hclust")
critframe <- data.frame(k = 1:10, ch = scale(clustcrit$crit), wss = scale(clustcrit$wss))
critframe <- melt(critframe, id.vars = c("k"), variable.name = "measure", value.name = "score")
ggplot(critframe, aes(x = k, y = score, color = measure)) +
    geom_point(aes(shape = measure)) +
    geom_line(aes(linetype = measure)) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10, labels = 1:10) +



> pclusters <- kmeans(pmatrix, kbest.p, nstart = 100, iter.max = 100)
> summary(pclusters)
            Length Class  Mode   
cluster      25     -none- numeric
centers      45     -none- numeric
totss         1     -none- numeric
withinss      5     -none- numeric
tot.withinss  1     -none- numeric
betweenss     1     -none- numeric
size          5     -none- numeric
iter          1     -none- numeric
ifault        1     -none- numeric
> pclusters$centers
    RedMeat  WhiteMeat        Eggs       Milk       Fish    Cereals     Starch       Nuts      Fr.Veg
1 -0.807569986 -0.8719354 -1.55330561 -1.0783324 -1.0386379  1.7200335 -1.4234267  0.9961313 -0.64360439
2  0.006572897 -0.2290150  0.19147892  1.3458748  1.1582546 -0.8722721  0.1676780 -0.9553392 -1.11480485
3 -0.570049402  0.5803879 -0.08589708 -0.4604938 -0.4537795  0.3181839  0.7857609 -0.2679180  0.06873983
4  1.011180399  0.7421332  0.94084150  0.5700581 -0.2671539 -0.6877583  0.2288743 -0.5083895  0.02161979
5 -0.508801956 -1.1088009 -0.41248496 -0.8320414  0.9819154  0.1300253 -0.1842010  1.3108846  1.62924487
> pclusters$size
[1] 4 4 5 8 4
> groups <- pclusters$cluster
> print_clusters(groups, kbest.p)
[1] "cluster 1"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
1     Albania    10.1  0.2    1.7
4    Bulgaria     7.8  1.2    4.2
18    Romania     6.2  1.0    2.8
25 Yugoslavia     4.4  0.6    3.2
[1] "cluster 2"
Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
6  Denmark    10.6  9.9    2.4
8  Finland     9.5  5.8    1.4
15  Norway     9.4  9.7    2.7
20  Sweden     9.9  7.5    2.0
[1] "cluster 3"
        Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
5  Czechoslovakia     9.7  2.0    4.0
7       E Germany     8.4  5.4    3.6
11        Hungary     5.3  0.3    4.2
16         Poland     6.9  3.0    6.6
23           USSR     9.3  3.0    2.9
[1] "cluster 4"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
2      Austria     8.9  2.1    4.3
3      Belgium    13.5  4.5    4.0
9       France    18.0  5.7    6.5
12     Ireland    13.9  2.2    2.9
14 Netherlands     9.5  2.5    3.7
21 Switzerland    13.1  2.3    4.9
22          UK    17.4  4.3    3.3
24   W Germany    11.4  3.4    3.8
[1] "cluster 5"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
10   Greece    10.2  5.9    6.5
13    Italy     9.0  3.4    6.7
17 Portugal     6.2 14.2    7.9
19    Spain     7.1  7.0    7.2


> clustering.ch <- kmeansruns(pmatrix, krange = 1:10, criterion = "ch")
> clustering.ch$bestk
[1] 2
> clustering.asw <- kmeansruns(pmatrix, krange = 1:10, criterion = "asw")
> clustering.asw$bestk
[1] 3
> clustering.ch$crit
[1]  0.000000 14.094814 11.417985 10.418801 10.011797  9.964967  9.861682  9.412089  9.166676  9.075569
> clustcrit$crit
[1]       NaN 12.215107 10.359587  9.690891 10.011797  9.964967  9.506978  9.092065  8.822406  8.695065
> critframe <- data.frame(k = 1:10, ch = scale(clustering.ch$crit), asw = scale(clustering.asw$crit))
> critframe <- melt(critframe, id.vars = c("k"), variable.name = "measure", value.name = "score")
> ggplot(critframe, aes(x = k, y = score, color = measure)) +
      geom_point(aes(shape = measure)) +
      geom_line(aes(linetype = measure)) +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10, labels = 1:10) +


> summary(clustering.ch)
            Length Class  Mode   
cluster      25     -none- numeric
centers      18     -none- numeric
totss         1     -none- numeric
withinss      2     -none- numeric
tot.withinss  1     -none- numeric
betweenss     1     -none- numeric
size          2     -none- numeric
iter          1     -none- numeric
ifault        1     -none- numeric
crit         10     -none- numeric
bestk         1     -none- numeric


kbest.p <- 5
cboot <- clusterboot(pmatrix, clustermethod = kmeansCBI, runs = 100, iter.max = 100, krange = kbest.p, seed = 15555)
boot 1 
boot 2 
boot 100

> groups <- cboot$result$partition
> print_clusters(cboot$result$partition, kbest.p)
[1] "cluster 1"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
1     Albania    10.1  0.2    1.7
4    Bulgaria     7.8  1.2    4.2
18    Romania     6.2  1.0    2.8
25 Yugoslavia     4.4  0.6    3.2
[1] "cluster 2"
Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
6  Denmark    10.6  9.9    2.4
8  Finland     9.5  5.8    1.4
15  Norway     9.4  9.7    2.7
20  Sweden     9.9  7.5    2.0
[1] "cluster 3"
        Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
5  Czechoslovakia     9.7  2.0    4.0
7       E Germany     8.4  5.4    3.6
11        Hungary     5.3  0.3    4.2
16         Poland     6.9  3.0    6.6
23           USSR     9.3  3.0    2.9
[1] "cluster 4"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
2      Austria     8.9  2.1    4.3
3      Belgium    13.5  4.5    4.0
9       France    18.0  5.7    6.5
12     Ireland    13.9  2.2    2.9
14 Netherlands     9.5  2.5    3.7
21 Switzerland    13.1  2.3    4.9
22          UK    17.4  4.3    3.3
24   W Germany    11.4  3.4    3.8
[1] "cluster 5"
    Country RedMeat Fish Fr.Veg
10   Greece    10.2  5.9    6.5
13    Italy     9.0  3.4    6.7
17 Portugal     6.2 14.2    7.9
19    Spain     7.1  7.0    7.2
> cboot$bootmean
[1] 0.8670000 0.8420714 0.6147024 0.7647341 0.7508333
> cboot$bootbrd
[1] 15 20 49 17 32


assign_cluster <- function(newpt, centers, xcenter = 0, xscale = 1) {
    xpt <- (newpt - xcenter) / xscale
    dists <- apply(centers, 1, FUN = function(c0) {sqr_edist(c0, xpt)})
    which.min(dists)    # 返回最接近的中心点编号

rnorm.multidim <- function(n, mean, sd, colstr = "x") {
    ndim <- length(mean)
    data <- NULL
    for(i in 1:ndim) {
        col <- rnorm(n, mean = mean[[i]], sd = sd[[i]])
        data <- cbind(data, col)
    cnames <- paste(colstr, 1:ndim, sep = '')
    colnames(data) <- cnames

mean1 <- c(1, 1, 1)     # 高斯分布的参数
sd1 <- c(1, 2, 1)

mean2 <- c(10, -3, 5)
sd2 <- c(2, 1, 2)

mean3 <- c(-5, -5, -5)
sd3 <- c(1.5, 2, 1)

clust1 <- rnorm.multidim(100, mean1, sd1)       # 创建100个点的数据集,每个点都从上述数据分布中产生
clust2 <- rnorm.multidim(100, mean2, sd2)
clust3 <- rnorm.multidim(100, mean3, sd3)
toydata <- rbind(clust3, rbind(clust1, clust2))

tmatrix <- scale(toydata)
tcenter <- attr(tmatrix, "scaled:center")
tscale <- attr(tmatrix, "scaled:scale")
kbest.t <- 3
tclusters <- kmeans(tmatrix, kbest.t, nstart = 100, iter.max = 100)     # 采用k-means算法,用3个簇对数据集进行聚类

> tclusters$size
[1] 101  99 100

unscale <- function(scaledpt, centervec, scalevec) {        # “还原”数据点(将它们放回到原始数据集的坐标中)
    scaledpt * scalevec + centervec

> unscale(tclusters$centers[1, ], tcenter, tscale)
    x1        x2        x3 
9.630898 -3.084541  4.949446 
> mean2
[1] 10 -3  5
> unscale(tclusters$centers[2, ], tcenter, tscale)
    x1        x2        x3 
-4.833429 -5.018246 -5.064261 
> mean3
[1] -5 -5 -5
> unscale(tclusters$centers[3, ], tcenter, tscale)
    x1        x2        x3 
1.0029535 0.7651268 0.8445897 
> mean1
[1] 1 1 1
> assign_cluster(rnorm.multidim(1, mean1, sd1),
                 tcenter, tscale)
> assign_cluster(rnorm.multidim(1, mean2, sd1),
                 tcenter, tscale)
> assign_cluster(rnorm.multidim(1, mean3, sd1),
                 tcenter, tscale)


  • 聚类的目的是发现或找出数据子集之间的相似性。
  • 在一个好的聚类中,同一个簇中的点,应该比这些点与其他簇中的点更相似(相接近)。
  • 聚类时,每一个变量单位是变量的一种度量方式。不同的单位会导致计算的距离不同,进而潜在地导致了不同的聚类结果。
  • 理想情况下,你想要的每一个坐标单位代表相同程度的变化。一种近似方法是把所有的列转化成均值为0,标准差为1.0的数据分布,比如scale()函数。
  • 聚类常常被当作是数据探索的一部分,或者是监督学习方法的前提。
  • 像可视化这样的方法一样,聚类具有更多迭代和交互过程,并且和监督方法相比,自动化程度更低。
  • 不同的聚类算法会给出不同的结果,你应该考虑不同的聚类方法,并采用不同的簇的数目。
  • 有很多估计最佳簇数的启发式算法。再次重申,你应该仔细考虑不同的启发式算法的结果,并探索各种不同的簇数。


[1][数据科学 理论、方法与R语言实践]